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Selfies with science, not filters!

Interested in hosting a “Leave Your Wrinkles at the Door” Tox Party?! Find details below my schedule!

Military, Fire, Police + spouses: =

10% off injectables like B12 and Vitamin D. Mention at time of service!

Leave Your Wrinkles at the Door!

Ready to party with your friends? It would be my pleasure to offer you + 4 friends a tox party at a location of your choice! Here are the details:

5 Person minimum, 30 unit minimum per person. Guests pay a discounted rate. The host/hostess will receive a 50% discount.

*It is strongly recommended to stay upright for at least 4 hours following a tox injection, therefore parties should be held in the morning/afternoon.

Let’s party! Call or text me to schedule: (708) 715-0033